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Relief is on The Way!

There is good news and bad news.
The good news is I-25 traffic relief is on the way. The bad news is we will have to live through three summers of construction before it’s done.
Did you know the 26 miles between Highway 14 in Fort Collins and Highway 66 in Longmont Interstate 25 serves more than 45,000 cars per day? Wow!
Part of that stretch of interstate will get a third lane starting this summer. Construction is set to begin next month that will add a third lane between Highway 14 and Highway 402.
The project is happening 14 years ahead of schedule thanks to additional funding from several sources including the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland. The first step we will notice is construction on the I 25/Highway 34 intersection.
This is great news for our region that will bring much needed relief. We will all just need to be a little patient while the work is being done.

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