We are reaching out to all of our current & past clients to help us stop the Fort Collins Loveland Water District from dramatically increasing water rates . The district will be voting on a new board of directors on May 8th for election information & location CLICK HERE. This board will then vote on implementing a rate increase. This rate increase will effect a number of things, commercial tap fees, residential tap fee’s and every day domestic water rates.
We are asking for your support to help us elect Jon Turner (Highland Meadows developer) to the board and stop the rate increase from happening. WestMark Homes CO is counting on keeping our tap fee’s at a reasonable rate to help support the growth of our family business and provide our customers with a quality home building experience.
We appreciate your time and support!
The WestMark Family
Please feel free to read more about the rate increase study on their website www.FCLWD.com
To download an Absentee Ballot CLICK HERE