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5 Quick Steps to Prevent Condensation on Windows


5 Quick Steps to Prevent Condensation on Windows

In the colder winter months, water condensation can build up on windows or glass doors. This can be a concerning problem as the moisture drips on floors or freeze on glass. Sometimes this can be mistaken as a window or door manufacturing issue, in most cases it is not. Condensation buildup is an indication of excess humidity in your home. Here are five quick tips that you can use to help reduce humidity in your home and prevent condensation buildup on windows and glass doors.

Step 1: Turn Down Humidifier

The humidifier on your furnace provides a lot of positive comforts in your home, but it needs to be adjusted to accommodate the temperature changes we experience throughout the seasons. Follow the chart below to adjust your humidifier to the correct percentage based on the temperature outside. This chart may also be located on your humidifier controls.

Recommended Indoor Humidity Levels by Outdoor Temperature

(Degrees Fahrenheit) Recommended Humidity (%)
+40° 45%
+30° 40%
+20° 35%
+10° 30%
-10° 20%
-20° 15%


Step 2: Use House Exhaust Fans

Make sure to use bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans to help move excess moisture out of the house. When noticing that specific rooms have condensation buildup, use a nearby exhaust fan to help move moisture out of that room. Fans are a great way to help move air out of the house to prevent the buildup of excess humidity.

Step 3: Air Out Home Periodically

Periodically open windows and doors to help move air through the home. This can help release the buildup of humidity that can be captured by the home and is a quick way to help immediately move moisture buildup out. However, beware as this can become a cycle of buildup and release. So, make sure to follow all of these steps to balance out your home.

Step 4: Consider Keeping Plants in One Area

If you have plants throughout your home, try instead to concentrate them in one area of the home. Make sure that area can be properly vented to release or draw air out of the home. Also, control the amount of water the plants get. Watering them too much can add to humidity and moisture problems.

Step 5: Control Humidity-Producing Activities

Make sure you are properly venting or releasing air when performing moisture buildup activities such as taking a hot shower and cooking. Also, make sure that your washer and dryer are properly venting. Opening windows and turning on a fan can help control the extra moisture produced by these activities.

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